Saturday, December 7, 2013

Testing for Intelligence?

I use to work at an elementary school, where we administrate assessment test on our kindergartners called the Dynamic Indicator of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS). DIBELS progress monitors our student’s development in early Literacy and reading skills. In DIBELS we test our kindergartner’s students on letter naming fluency, initial sounds fluency, word use fluency, phoneme segmentation fluency, and nonsense word fluency. Once we receive our results from DIBELS we can start placing our students in different literacy groups. We divide our students into groups of four, which would be our high, medium (average), low, and lower (Below average) groups. The content that my kindergarten students are learning is early literacy and reading skills. For example, letter naming fluency, initial sounds fluency, word use fluency, phoneme segmentation fluency, and nonsense word fluency. The students may obtain skills through flashcards, board games, picture-books, auditory books, video, and etc. By using my content, students will be able to process or make sense of what early literacy and reading skills that was learned. For my kindergartner students, the product would be any assignment or task I give to extend what they have learned. For example, having the students recite any initial sounds that they hear or ask them to recite what sounds to the hearing the name or spelling words. By the end of kindergarten, my student was be ready readers and that will help them for the rest of their lives.
Here is a video that shows how children learn and how they are assessed in Singapore, South Africa, and in rural Colombia:

1 comment:

  1. I loved the video that you posted on your blog. I really liked how you guys would put your students into groups and testing them that way. Singapore looks at learning very serous and that they really make sure that there students pass and make sure they all achieve. I thought it was interesting that they would take students who didn't pass the test the first time they would go to a different school and relearn and make sure that the pass. But they make sure that they know that they can achieve and that they need this for a job for when they get older. Over all very interesting.
