Saturday, September 27, 2014

Practicing Awareness of Microaggressions

            As far as my personal experience is concerned, while boarding the home with my family, I booked the front seats of the economy class at the airport. Adjusting ourselves in our specified seats, I and the family were having a significantly enjoyable moment. Just before the flight was about to take off, three white men entered the economy class and took the seat at the back within the adjacent aisle. No sooner that we all thought we have settled in, the flight attendant came over and respectfully asked her if we could move at the back in order to shift the weight of the plane.

            I myself, including my family, we belong to African American ethnicity which in terms is considered a minority race within the respective vicinity of United States. We felt the discomfort zone that the flight attendant was trying to conceal while requesting us to move at the back however, on further inquiry whether she really wanted to shift the weight of the plane or make space for the white gentlemen; she became all defensive that she is not being a racist. More or less her views were expressed. When we arrived to our destination we filed a complaint and received free round trip plane tickets to anywhere we wanted to go. Such incidents commonly occur in day to day life where individuals are trapped in consents of being subjected to micro aggression on behalf of classism, racism, able-ism and religion-ism.

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